Friday, November 7, 2014

Shingles: Treatment Overview

Going through a shingles outbreak can be a nerve-wracking experience, especially when an individual does not know what to do. This purpose of this blog post is to demystify the treatment of shingles. Hopefully this post can help ease your mind and act as a helpful resource in understanding the treatment of shingles. 

Watch this video for a quick overview of shingles treatment around the 1 minute mark

Initial Treatment

     Treatment should begin as soon as the rash appears. In 2014, WebMD stated that receiving treatment within the first three days of the rash developing decreases the chance of developing more serious problems, such as postherpetic neuralgia. Without treatment, the American Academy of Dermatology (2014) notes that the rash can clear on its own, but that individuals can suffer pain, numbness, and itching or tingling skin for years. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, there are several medications that can treat shingles:

  • Pain relievers: This is to help relieve the pain and itching that can come with an outbreak.

  • Antiviral medication: Medications include famciclovir, valacyclovir, and acyclovir. These medications are especially important to receive soon after an outbreak in order to lessen the rash’s severity.

  • Nerve blocks: These injections are used to number intense pain.
  • Talk to you doctor about the medications you should take
  • Corticosteroids: When paired with anti-viral medicine, corticosteroid pills can decrease swelling and pain. Corticosteroids are prescribed cautiously because they can actually cause the rash to spread.

Ongoing Treatment

     The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2014) notes that postherpetic neuralgia (PHN) is the most common complication of shingles. PHN is when pain occurs in the area where the rash was, even after the rash heals. This pain can last week to years after an outbreak. It is important to receive initial treatment early on, as people that are 60 years of age and older with the shingles virus are more likely to have PHN compared to those 40 years old.  

Watch this short video for an overview of PHN.

     According to the Mayo Clinic (2012), there are several medications that can be used to help treat PHN. These medications include:

  • Antidepressants: Medications include nortriptyline, amitriptyline, duloxetine, and venlafaxine. In small doses, the can help ease the pain of PHN.
  • Topical anesthetics: Creams and patches containing lidocaine or capsaicin can relieve pain when applied to the affected area.
  • Anticonvulsants: PHN can injure nerves in the body. Anticonvulsants such as gabapentin or pregabalin can stabilize the nervous system and decrease the burning and pain.
  • Opioids: Prescription pain medications can be given for extreme pain. They have a low risk of being addictive, but all medications should be discussed with your doctor. 

    Treatment for long-term complications caused by shingles depends on the specific condition. Click Here for a quick overview of these conditions and treatment options.

Shingles-Treatment Overview. (2014, January 3). WebMD
Retrieved November 7, 2014, from
treatments/shingles/shingles-treatment- overview
Clinical Overview. (2014, May 1). Centers for disease control and prevention.
Retrieved November 7, 2014, from
Top of Form
Postherpetic neuralgia. (2012, November 13). Mayo Clinic.Bottom of Form
Retrieved November 7, 2014, from

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